Saxtime - Antonio Cánovas




Oviedo 2004

Saxtime saxophone quartet was formed in 2004 inside the Antonio Cánovas saxophone class of the Superior Conservatory of Music “Eduardo Martínez Torner” of the Principalty of Asturias (CONSMUPA). 
The principal musical aim is making known this ensemble and its opposite possible styles as classical, contemporary and new styles of the XX century (jazz, blues...). 
This group has given a great variety of concerts in different places of Spain and France, among which one must highlight the ones in “Saxophone Evenement” of Poitiers (France); 24 Edition of Spanish Music Festival in León (Spain) with three concerts in this festival; in the CajaAstur Cultural Hall in collaboration with the Musicology Faculty of Oviedo University, in El Entrego Theatre through the Regional Cultural Ministry... In adition, it is usually asked to participate in the events organized by the Pharmacy Association of Asturias.
Saxtime is keen to develop Spanish contemporary chamber music for saxophone, has premiered several works devoted to them, among which are those of the author José María
García Laborda and Sebastian Mariné.

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Patronato Musical Aguileño